The American Dream will become a NIGHTMARE

March 20, 2010

The American Dream will soon become a nightmare.


Barack Hussein Obama, the Architect of Modern American Slavery, is Using DEBT BONDAGE to Enslave Your Children

Obamacare is just one of the MARXIST tools that are being used to redistribute America’s wealth.

This child currently owes $115,085 in government debt, and it is increasing every day. Debt Bondage is SLAVERY.

STEALING does not produce wealth.

Wealth is created by adding value to other people’s lives.

Entrepreneurs create wealth.

The government ROBS and STEALS from those creating wealth and redistributes it (through social programs) to the people incapable of creating wealth.  This leads to poverty.

According to Anti-Slavery International, DEBT BONDAGE is a form of SLAVERY.

Borrowing trillions of dollars from our children, grand-children and great-grand-children will ENSLAVE them.

Obama in Enslaving America

Obama, and all of the politicians (Democrat AND Republican) that have created this debt are TRAITORS to freedom.

As America becomes a Marxist country, we will become slaves.

America is descending into POVERTY, OPPRESSION and SLAVERY.

The American Dream will soon become a nightmare.


The Architect of Modern American Slavery

March 19, 2010

The Architect of Modern American Slavery
Barack Hussein Obama

Obama: The Architect of Modern American Slavery

Barack Hussein Obama is the Architect of Modern American Slavery.

In American history, there were two kinds of slaves:
Slaves and Indentured Servants.

While most Africans were brought here as slaves, over half of of immigrants from Ireland, Scotland, England and Germany came here as indentured servants.

1.  A person who is the property of and wholly subject to another; a bond servant.
2.  A person entirely under the domination of some influence or person: a slave to a drug.

Slavery (also called thralldom) is a form of forced labor in which people are considered to be the property of others. Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand wages. In some societies it was legal for an owner to kill a slave; in others it was a crime.

The organization Anti-Slavery International defines slavery as “forced labour.” By this definition there are approximately 27 million slaves in the world today, more than at any point in history and more than twice as many as all African slaves brought to the Americas combined.

– Source:  Wikipedia

Indentured Servant
– Noun
1.  A person who is bonded or contracted to work for another for a specified time, in exchange for learning a trade or for travel expenses (as to America)

Indentured Servitude
An indentured servant was a worker, typically a laborer, under contract to an employer for a fixed period of time, typically three to seven years, in exchange for their transportation, food, clothing, lodging and other necessities. Unlike slaves, an indentured servant was required to work only for a limited term specified in a signed contract.

Legal arrangements of this type have been extremely widespread throughout world history in different forms, and have had a number of specific names, and may overlap with the status of apprentice, debt slave, unfree labour, and other terms. Usually the status of indentured servant was entered into voluntarily by the servant.

– Source:  Wikipedia

Debt Bondage

According to Anti-Slavery International:

Bonded labour – or debt bondage – is probably the least known form of slavery today, and yet it is the most widely used method of enslaving people.

“A person becomes a bonded labourer when their labour is demanded as a means of repayment for a loan.  The person is then tricked or trapped into working for very little or no pay, often for seven days a week.  The value of their work is invariably greater than the original sum of money borrowed.”

Debt bondage has been defined by the United Nations as a form of modern day slavery.

America’s National Debt

As of this writing, America owes $12 trillion in debt.

Every American citizen owes  $43,763.

Every American taxpayer owes $ 114,850.

Barack Hussein Obama has increased our debt more than all other presidents combined.

Barack Hussein Obama is the Architect of Modern American Slavery.

America is becoming the land of Indentured Servants through forced Debt Bondage.

Under Obamacare, YOU must purchase insurance or pay either $2000  or 2% of your income in FINES (taxes), whichever is higher.

Obamacare is a NATIONAL TAX designed to redistribute the wealth of the country (Socialism).

To be fair, Obama is not alone.
The majority of congressmen and senators have voted for this debt.

America is descending into slavery.